Sunday, 3 June 2012

If I were the American President

If I were president, my first act would be to order all American troops home from Afghanistan as soon as they could safely be evacuated. The people from that part of the world would then be responsible for settling their own differences. They've been battling each other for thousands of years. If they choose to continue to do so, so be it.

I would send troop carriers to the prison compound at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to return all prisoners to their country of origin. They're not likely to become sterling citizens; why should America spend time and money detaining them, trying them, imprisoning the guilty and later attempting to rehabilitate them?

The Cuban base itself I return to the government of Cuba. NATO allies no longer need a remote facility in which to "persuade" alleged war criminals to confess.

As President, my next project would be the construction several state-of-the-art military hospitals around the country. Care would be available to all veterans wounded in either body or mind while serving their country. Members of the military would be kept in hospital as long as necessary, then given attentive follow-up care until they were completely healthy, with no cost to themselves or their families.

With the money I had saved from waging war, I would establish an effective health care system, so that every man, woman and child in the United States would have quick access to the best doctors and medical treatment available. This service would be free and the same for everyone, no special treatment for sports figures or politicians.

International outreach committees would be established to oversee foreign relations: no more confrontational postures would be allowed. Our ambassadors would be instructed to hold discussions with every country, to find areas of agreement and attempt to build on them to form positive alliances. There would be no name-calling or vilification. Labeling a country and its people "evil" is hardly the way to win cooperation or establish a basis for fruitful negotiations.

I would strive to have America lead by example. When she became once again the strongest, most honorable, peaceful, most respected democracy in the world, other nations would be anxious to install similar forms of government. And, the changeovers would be accomplished by peaceful means.

I would appoint George W. Bush and Dick Cheney as roving ambassadors for peace. They would travel the globe, lecturing to all who would listen about the benefits of living in a peaceful world. And if their audiences were always very small? Well, at least they won't be getting themselves and us into any more trouble.

Finally, I would establish free daycare for every family having young children or older dependents with special needs. Every able-bodied adult would be required to work at an appropriate job, 40 hours daily, five days a week. Minmum wages would be adjusted so that everyone would be assured of receiving a decent living wage.

Does this sound like an Utopian dream? Perhaps someday, someone who is wise and competent enough will be elected to the presidental office, and put this plan or a similar one into action. What would you bet that this capable, far-sighted individual will be a woman?   

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